1:34 所有的人當中的第一人,我稱為亞當,就是許多。
1:34 And the first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many.
這到底是指什麼呢? 查了註腳,發現了其他相關的經文。
4:26 亞當給他妻子起名叫夏娃,因為她是眾生之母;我,主神,就這樣稱呼所有女人中的第一人,她們有很多。
4:26 And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living; for thus have I, the Lord God, called the first of all women, which are many.
6:9 祂照著自己身體的形像創造他們,有男也有女,祂在神腳凳上的土地中創造他們成為活著的靈魂的日子,祝福他們,給他們取名叫亞當。
6:9 In the image of his own body, male and female, created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created and became living souls in the land upon the footstool of God.
Hyrum L. Andrus 在他的書God, Man, and the Universe 中談到
The name "Adam" in Latter-day Saint thought appears to be a generic title denoting man, and it is apparently given as a name-title to the first of all men on the numerous worlds which God has created. Having declared to Moses that He had created worlds without number, the Lord explained: "And the first of all men have I called Adam, which is many."
Frank B. Salisbury 在他的書Creation中也談到
"And the first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many."(Moses1:34) Because of the syntax, this statement is a trifle confusing. Is Adam the first of all men on all worlds created by God? Are there many Adams? Or are there many men? Perhaps a logical explanation, considering the verses before and after, which discuss the many worlds created by God, is that each of these worlds has an Adam who is the first man for that world, and that there are many worlds and hence many Adams.
Alvin R. Dyer會長(曾任總會會長團副會長)在他的書Who Am I? 中解釋道
The "first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many." This indicates the relative position of each first man of each world.
"And the first man of all men have I called Adam," the Lord says, "which is many." (Moses 1:34) That is, Adam was placed on earth as the first of the human family and given a name which signifies many as pertaining to the greatness of the posterity which should flow from him.
"And the first man of all men, have I called Adam, which is many." (i.e., that is the name means many, because he is the father of all.)
Jolene Edmunds Rockwood 在他的書Eve's Role in the Creation and the Fall to Mortality 中談到
First, Adam and Eve were created symbolically as two equal parts of one unified whole and were united in all their actions. The word translated as man is the Hebrew 'adam, meaning "humankind," or man in a collective sense. It is used throughout most of the story rather than the more specific Hebrew noun 'ish, meaning "one man," or "husband." The plural sense of ha-'adam is seen when it is used with "them," a plural pronoun, in "Let us make man in our image . . . and let them have dominion. . . . So God created man . . . male and female created he them." (Genesis 1:26-27.)
Many verses in the Book of Mormon indicate similar usage of adam and man as plural nouns. In 2 Nephi 9:6, man is used as a plural for the first couple, just as in the Hebrew version of Genesis: "And because man became fallen they were cut off from the presence of the Lord" (italics added).
Church authorities have also generally affirmed that the Genesis account describes the first couple as united in their actions in Eden and have recognized 'adam as a plural word representing both the man and the woman. For example, Erastus Snow, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, said in 1878: "Male and female created he them and called their name Adam, which in the original in which these scriptures were written by Moses, signifies 'the first man.' There was no effort at distinguishing between the one half and the other, and calling one man and the other woman. This was an after distinction, but the explanation of it is—one man, one being, and he called their name Adam." Spencer W. Kimball made a similar scriptural gloss in 1976:
" 'And I, God, blessed them [Man here is always in the plural. It was plural from the beginning.] . . . ' (Moses 2:27-28.) . . .
" 'And I, God said unto mine Only Begotten, which was with me from the beginning: Let us make man [not a separate man, but a complete man, which is husband and wife] in our image . . . ' (Moses 2:26.) . . .
" 'Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam [Mr. and Mrs. Adam, I suppose, or Brother and Sister Adam], in the day when they were created.' (Gen. 5:12.)."