我覺得從這節經文的上下文來看,就可以知道這節經文是談到摩西律法與耶穌基督福音的關係。這邊的「精意」英文是spirit ,一般是翻譯為『靈』。所以應該是跟聖靈有關。
有些人會望文生義,認為「精意」=『精義』= 精華的要義,但這單純只是翻譯導致的問題。
「我們不僅要去惡,也不僅要向善,更重要的是要去做最有價值的事。我們要專注於心靈內在的事,那些是我們憑直覺就可以知道且重視的事,然而我們卻常因一些瑣碎、膚淺或可炫耀的事而疏忽了 (1998 年1 月,聖徒之聲,第63 頁) 。
We are not only to avoid evil, not only to do good but, most importantly, to do the things of greatest worth. We are to focus on the inward things of the heart, which we know and value intuitively but often neglect for that which is trivial, superficial, or prideful.(General Conference, Oct. 1997, p.59)