(註:每次地帶大會都有一小段時間,約莫20分鐘,潘會長讓我們盡情的發問對福音的任何問題。潘會長就是目前亞洲區域會長團的潘望博會長(President Perkins))
- 「亞當是由地上的塵土造出來的嗎?」或是
- 「亞當是由他父母所生出來的嗎?」
茲節錄幾段領袖的話,以供參考:(以下引用自Overview of the Plan of Salvation)
“The Son, Jesus Christ, grew and developed into manhood the same as you or I, as likewise did God, His Father, grow and develop to the Supreme Being that He now is. Man was born of woman; Christ, the Savior, was born of woman, and God, the Father, was born of woman. Adam, our earthly parent, was also born of woman into this world, the same as Jesus and you and I.”(Joseph F. Smith, Deseret Evening News, Dec 27, 1913, Sec. 3, page 7.)
“And when our spirits receive our bodies [immortal resurrection into the highest degree of the celestial kingdom], and through our faithfulness we are worthy to be crowned, we will then receive authority to produce both spirit and body.”( Brigham Young, JD 15:137.)
“Man has descended from God in fact, he is of the same race as the Gods. His descent has not been from a lower form of life, but from the Highest Form of Life; in other words, man is, in the most literal sense, a child of God. This is not only true of the spirit of man, but of his body also.”(B.H. Roberts, “The Creation of Man,” Course of Study for Priests 1910; quoted in Church News 19 Sept. 1963, p.8.)
“I believe that Adam’s physical body was the offspring of God, literally (Moses 6:33); that he was begotten as a baby with a physical body not subject to death, in a world without sin or blood; and that he grew to manhood in that condition then became mortal through his own actions. I believe that Adam’s physical body was begotten by our immortal celestial Father and an immortal celestial Mother, and thus not into a condition of morality, a condition which would have precluded Jesus from being the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh (D&C 93:11)—flesh meaning mortality. Jesus’ physical body was also begotten of the same celestial Father but through a mortal woman [Mary] and hence into mortality.( Robert J. Matthews (former Dean of Religion at BYU), A Bible! A Bible!, pp. 188-189. )
Mankind are here because they are the offspring of parents who were first brought here from another planet, and power was given them to propagate their species, and they were commanded to multiply and replenish the earth. JD 7:285-286.
參考 "The Creation of Humankind, and Allegory? - Maxwell Institute ..." 2008. 19 May. 2012 <http://maxwellinstitute.byu.edu/publications/books/?bookid=40&chapid=165>
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